Si, incredibil, dar, da, doar acum, pentru voi, concurs, din nou!

Pentru ca a iesit prea bine primul concurs si pentru ca mai am doua DVD-uri de dat, hai inc-o data mai flacai (si flacaee).

Premiul e acelasi, tot lumina de la sfantul Stanhope.


"Lasa coaie blogarii sa vina la mine" - Stanhope 4:20

Tema e sa traduceti literal expresii din romana in engleza. Ati mai facut-o la caterinca pe degeaba, acum faceti-o pentru premiu 😀

Exemplu pentru cine inca nu a inteles:

go in your mother’s throat, go in spinach, come with your mother, etc.


 Cea mai creativa expresie romaneasca tradusa in cel mai exact mod in engleza castiga.

Hai, on them, on them, on their mother!

109 responses to “Si, incredibil, dar, da, doar acum, pentru voi, concurs, din nou!

  1. blowjob yo

  2. who divides makes to himself a part;
    fuck your mother’s onion!
    fuck your midwife on ice!

  3. erata: who divides makes for himself a part (scuzati agramaticalitatile englezesti cauzate de febra si alte delicii ale vietii)

  4. 1-i shit on your mom pussy, so you can eat it with your dad
    2- ask your mom if i can put my cock on her shoulder so she can suck it later on

  5. I’d stick my dick in your mother’s dead relatives!

  6. Brother, brother but the cheese is on money! (ad litteram)

  7. You look like the veal at the new gate.
    Fuck your mother’s church!
    Light straws in your head.
    Gone with the raft.
    Jumped form the fix.
    Beating the fields.

  8. fuck your mother`s easter,today and tomorrow!

  9. From the curses series:

    1. May the flash on you be dented of the children disease!

    2. Make foam at your mouth!

    3. Fuck your mother’s spiritual union!

    From the boring series:

    1. What is in the goitre is also in the mite.

    2. One with the folder, other one with the hoe.

  10. You are beating the fields.

    May your mother die.

    May my mother die.

    May your family live.

    I’ll stick my dick in your mother’s dead relatives.

    Warrior of the light.

  11. go teach your grandmother how to suck eggs

  12. to have chair at head
    fuck your mother’s care
    to break market ‘s mouth
    to hang someone’s skin into the garret

  13. Scuze de off-topic, da ce naiba aveti cu mamele? >_>. Mai legati-va si de tati…

  14. i hope we will make a beautiful face.

  15. To hit the dog with the pot.

    Who stuck the huacinth in the cheese?

    To rub the mint.

    You’re looking like a bull at a calendar.

    If you had shut up,you’d have stayed a philosopher.

    I’d eat some salami,but i don’t have any.

    injuraturi deocamdata nu…ca as avea un site intreg de evitat :

  16. Ce puii mei? – What my chickens?

    du-te-n pisicii ma-tii – go into your mother’s cats

    ce pusca mea? – what my gun?

    pana mea – my feather

    ce basca mea? – What my hat?

    shiapa ma-tii (una mai moldovenaesca asa) – your mother’s onions

    e cu capu! – he is with his head

    da-te-n sange – go into blood

    nu ma freca la icre – don’t rub my fish eggs

    ce faci ma? uite frec menta – rubbing the mint

    ma doare la basca/cot/c*r – my hat hurts, my elbow hurts, my butt hurts

    sa moara pestii mei – so my fishes shall die

    plimba ursul – go walk the bear

    ma doare-n paispe – it hurts in my fourteen

    ma doare-n pix – my pen hurts

    si dupa cum prea bine spune “ pantera mov “:

    “baga-mi-as picioarele- i’d like to insert my legs”

    maic spune:

    ‘tu-te-n aripa! – fuck in your wing!

    postul original aici:

  17. 1 – I will take in my dick all your dead realtives and will run withem trough the graveyard like on maraton.

    2 – I will jerkoff on your mother’s crucifix.

  18. Pentru inceput ceva subtirel de vara:
    a tacea ca mortu in papusoi – to shut up like the dead man in the corn(field)
    a disparea ca magaru-n ceata – to disappear like the donkey in the fog
    a umbla cu cioara vopsita – to walk around with the painted crow
    a sta infipt ca cioara-n par – to stay stuck (up) like the crow in the stake
    a-i purta sambetele – to carry one’s Saturdays
    a-i da apa la moara – to give water to one’s mill
    a face rahatu bici – to make the shit a whip
    te-ai lins pe bot – you licked your muzzle
    nu mor caii cand vor cainii – the horses don’t die when the dogs want them to (sic!)
    tara arde si baba se piaptana – the country is burning and the old woman is combing her hair
    Si acum cateva mai regionale:
    a umbla cu fofarlica – to walk around with the “fophahrleeka”
    te papa la veverita? – is something eating you at the squirrel?
    iti rup fasu – i will rip your impermeable
    a freca buha – to rub the owl
    a se trage pe cur – to pull oneself on one’s ass
    suge la doua ma-sa – he is sucking at two “his momma”s
    a sari parleazul – to skip the stile
    a avea stuchit pe furca – to have spit on one’s pitchfork
    iti dau una de feti! – i will give you one and you will bring forth
    merge inchis, ca butelia – it goes closed, like the gas cylinder
    a crapa in tine – to crack in oneself
    a duce cu zaharelul/cobza/presul – to carry someone with the little sugar/kobsa/door mat
    a se duce de rapa – to go of the precipice
    a se duce pe copca – to go on the ice hole
    tipa o tigare! – scream a cigarette, will you?
    Si pentru incheiere:
    i would like to dry my underpants on your mother’s grave

  19. super tare… a ieshit super tare concursul

  20. taci acolo, fute-adanc – shut up, fuck-deep

  21. in ideea “Bah fute-adanc”

  22. The blind man found the Galati… – A gasit orbu Galatiu.
    Look a crow how is flying, kiss her ass so it wouldnot hurt her anymore… sau in versuri:
    Look a nigger how is flying, kiss her ass and she’s not dying… – Uite-o cioara cum mai zboara, pup-o-n cur ca sa n-o doara.
    What, are the turks coming? – Ce, vin turcii?
    Go to the hospital number 9… Du-te la spitalu 9.
    I’ll fuck one after the back of the head… – Iti fut una dupa ceafa.
    You shit spread… – Te caci imprastiat.
    Brother, brother, but the cheese is on the money… –
    A turned tree – Arbore cotit.
    Firemen – Ardeleni
    Cash from the dick… – Bani din poula.

  23. I-a dat papucii – He gave her the slipers

  24. te mananca-n cur – it’s eating in your ass
    da-te-n sloboz – go into sperm
    s-a dus pe copca – it went on the ice stitch
    s-a dus pe apa sambetei – it went on saturday’s watter

  25. iti rup mufa – i’ll break your socket

  26. Later improved edit:

    daca-ti dau una iti rup mufa – if i give you one i’ll break your socket

    (stimabile scuze pentru 4 posturi, te descurci tu cumva)

  27. e un mare pishicher – he is a great peapeaer ?!
    hai pa – come on bye!
    s-a umflat taratza-n tine – the bran fill into you?
    ma doare la baschetzi – it hurts my nikes!
    taran cu logan – peasant with a toyota
    aspirator de femei – women vacuum cleaner
    baga mare – put big
    ziarul scanteia – newspaper the flame
    e destept foc – he is smart fire

  28. Nu m-am putut abtine, asa ca:

    1. Don’t jump over the horse.

    2. Put the foot in the door.

    3. You are gone on Saturday’s water.

    4. Fuck your mother’s dead and wounded relatives.

    5. What my riffle/gun/feather.

    Ar mai fi cateva, dar au fost deja amintite si nu mi-ar placea sa fiu acuzata de plagiat 🙂

  29. @all
    my mother should die if i don’t love you guys! 😀
    keept it still like this!

  30. fuck ur mother’s gods – ‘tutzi’mnezeii ma-tii
    fuck ur mother’s moon – ‘tutzi luna ma-tii
    fuck ur mother’s easter cake – ‘tutzi pasca ma-tii
    fuck this thing’s darkness and mother’s coffin – futu-i intunericu si sicriu masii de treaba

  31. Singur cuc – alone cuckoo

  32. a baga mana-n san la oua – to put one’s hand in the bosom at the eggs
    gaina batrana face zama buna…cu morcovu tanar – the old hen makes a good groth with a young carrot
    pune mana si te culca – put your hand and put yourself to sleep

  33. groth – broth*.ma scuzati..eram emotionata

  34. you’re fat as the biscuit in the line
    iti rade mustata – your moustache is laughing

  35. ultimu gata promit:)))
    what my dick does the care fuck you

  36. sa te suga pamantu – may the Earth suck you !
    sa-mi bagi mana-n cur si sa-mi faci laba la cacat ! stick your hand up my ass and jerk off my shit !
    i-a bagat milogu-n traista – he shoved his begger in her bag
    ah sa-mi bag mana-n cur – oh stick my own hand up my ass
    in puii mei – in my chickens !
    a taia frunza la caini – to cut the leaf to the dogs !

  37. would fuck you in the neck

  38. would i loose my self on your face

  39. merge si din engleza in romana?:P

    smth has gone to the dogs = s-a dus pe pl

  40. din seria religioase:

    fuck ur mother’s gospel – ‘tutzi evanghelia matii


    What yo, think you’re on your father’s field? = Ce ba, te crezi pe tarlaua lu’ tact-tu?

  41. foarte tare doug stanhope ( teo m-a pus sa scriu asta ca sa nu credeti ca se trage pe ass si nu da premiile) so… trageti tare mai flacai

  42. Bat si fut ca masina de cusut: I beat and fuck like a sewing machine.

  43. sa citez putin din gigi

    regarding the first part, blow me! you and dan voiculescu and all of antena 1 and all the workers there and you blow me first. write that, ok?say that!eat my dick!say that on antena 1! stick my dick in all your antena! stick your dick in your mother and i stick my dick in all of van damme voiculescu’s family and your family and all of antena 1’s. i stick my dick in all your family of rags. i fuck your relatives in the mouth! suck my dick all of you with dan voiculescu first! ok? blow me! stick your dick in your mother, you and dan voiculescu first! ok? and all his party off bums! i stick my dick in your family! i fuck your dead in the mouth you rags and thieves! what the fuck do you want you communists? i fuck your family in the mouth! you suck my dick! all of you! say that to voiculescu and everybody and oancea and antena 1 and i stick my dick in all of your dead! i’m telling you: suck my dick! you and dan voiculescu! write that at antena 1 exactly: “suck dot dot dan voiculescu, you and all of antena 1! and i stick my dick in all of your dead and all of dan voiculescu’s dead! cause i stick my dick in your mother! i stick my dick in your mother also! ok? cause i wanna stick my dick in your mother that’s why! i don’t wanna be civilised i want you to blow me! i’m not civilised i like it when you blow me! you and dan voiculescu! i give it give to you in the mouth! ok? i stick my dick in all of your dead you rags! write whatever you whant can’t you see i’m wrestling you? you have a tv station and i’m wrestling you without anything and you still suck my dick in a higher percentage at the party i fuck you in the mouth !
    well strictly on the economy part you suck my dick on the economy part directly! like that you suck my dick!

  44. Din ciclul moldovenesti … Run wih the circle

  45. fuck your mother’s gods an easter and christ you filthy pig! with your mother who’s a whore and your father who’s in prison and all your family in the nut house! should i see your fucked up eyes in a coffin and your wife gang banged in the cemetary! c’mon sictir you fat fuck!

    pentru original

  46. asta nu incerc eu s-o traduc pt ca s-ar pierde prea mult din mesaj, poate o traduceti voi

    Fir-ati ai dracu cu melcii vostri

  47. i-a dat morti pe paine – he gave him dead on bread
    statea ca musca pe cacat – he sat like the fly on shit
    hai plimba ursu – come on walk the bear
    si-a luat nasul la purtare – he took his nose to wearing
    i-a dat apa la moara – he gave him water to the windmill

  48. damn you with your snails

  49. pentru ca de 13 ani auzim asta in fiecare seara putem spune ca e o vorba romaneasca asa ca am s-o traduc

    due to the consumption of cheap but plenty alcohol at the local saloon vasile from fetesti killed and raped all his family, sadly only after raping all the animals he has found on the way home. cats, dogs, ducks, cows nothing could escape the drunk bastard who went on a raping frenzy for hours and hours. the only living thing that escape was a big black horse that vasile didn’t fuck but actually was fucked by probably because of the horses resemblance with the famous acasa tv povestiri adevarate host cabral.

    with his family good and raped vasile jumped in the well but sadly didn’t die and was found there by the locals while trying to stick some frogs in his ass. before the police could arrive the fetesti people punished vasile buy beeping his ass spitting him and putting out cigarettes on his genitals.

    vasile was rushed to the hospital where he is reported to have said that the cigarettes on his genitals felt even better than the cabral looking horse’s big black beep.

  50. Nothing is beaten in nails – Nimic nu e batut in cuie.
    Little bill and play the ankle – Ciocu mic si joc de glezne.
    What are you doing balls? – Ce faci koae? Ok, balls- Bine, koae.
    Goghoole, problems you?! – Gogule, probleme ma?

  51. dau la pompa – i give to the pump
    i-a dat de i-au sarit mucii din nas – he gave it to him
    that his mucus jumped from his nose
    i-a dat de i-au sarit capacele – he gave it to him that his caps fell off
    a simtit miros de pizda – he felt pussy smell
    l-a dus cu zaharelu – he took him with the sugar
    i-a dat la gaurica – he gave it to the little hole

  52. The neighbour’s goat should die!

    U feel yourself with the fly on your hat.

    You’re not quite taken to the church, are you?

    The peasant’s still a peasant.

    You don’t have with who, you don’t have with who!

    You want to make the devil in four!

    You are looking for it with the candle.

    Who steals today an egg tomorow will steal an ox

    who wakes up early in the morning reaches far.

    the shiver laughs about the broken pot.

    you are stupid like the night.

    what doesn’t make to you, another doesn’t like.

    to cakes forward, to war, backward.

  53. you get me out of watermellons
    you get me out of crazy women

  54. Sa ma pis pe crucea matii pina se sterge scrisul = I shall pea on your mother’s cross untill the writing deletes.

  55. to break the pot
    a sparge oalele

    laugh potsherd of broken pot
    rade ciob de oala sparta

  56. Go into your dead mother’s relative! (aka du-te-n mortii ma-tii!)

    I shall drug my nuts on your mother’s boiled wheat sweet by sweet. (tara-mi-as coaiele pe coliva ma-tii din bomboana-n bomboana).

    I shall see you bride with wadding in your nose! (vedea-te-as mireasa cu vata-n nas)

  57. he put the dead man in his house – i-a bagat mortu’n casa

  58. who gets up early in the morning, sleeps less

  59. it’s said the stupid man neither the cow gives eggs – cica… la omu prost nici vaca nu se oua

    when the cat ain’t home, the mice dance on the table

    he searches for it with the candle -o cauta cu lumanarea

    to believe on the word – a crede p cuvant

    when the shit will have valor , then the poor ones will be born without the ass

    don’t mess with stupid

    i’m full of money, like the frog’s full of feathers

    u’re laughing like the beet in the cow’s mouth – razi ca sfecla in gura vacii

    you’re laughing like the rake – razi ca grebla

    he made eyes – a facut ochi

    be stupid, but with luck

    to take it on the plough-land – a lua-o p aratura

  60. gura-casca – mouth-helmet
    o arde dubios- he is burning her suspiciously

  61. ~suj’ar-ai mucii – you’d suck the snots
    ~băga-ţi-ai drot in rât – stick wire in your snout
    ~dai un ban, da’ stai in faţă – you give a penny but you sit in front
    ~râzi ca muta la p*** – you laugh as the mute at dick
    ~’tu-ţi anafura mă+tii – to fuck your mom’s Eucharist bread
    ~beşi de-aici – fart off of here

  62. ~intoarce-ţi-s-ar genunchii ca la viţel, să te poţi căca pe ei – your knees should return as the ox’s for you to be able to poo on them

  63. Slab, slab. Piei din ochii mei [Skins from my eyes]. De altfel, ejaculam in pisat [ We come in peace].

    In ritmul asta, castigati voi concursul at the year and happy birthday.

  64. “nu te ineca precum tiganul la mal” – “don’t drown like the gipsy at the shore ”

    ” to make someone with egg and vinegar ” = “a face cu ou si cu otet”
    ” do the loundry in the family” = “a spala rufele in familie”
    ” jumping the horse ” = “a sari calu’ ”
    ” the old hen makes the good bortsch” = ” gaina batrana face ciorba buna ”
    ” get drunk with cold water ” = ” te imbeti cu apa rece ”
    ” strike the puddle with the stick ” = ” a da cu bata in balta ”
    ” turn the mosquito into a stud ” = ” faci din tantar armasar ”
    ” to look for it with the candle ” = ” o cauti cu lumanarea ”
    ” to stick your nose where your pot doesn’t boil ” = ” iti bagi nasul unde nu iti fierbe oala ”
    “the same mary with different hat ” = aceeasi marie cu alta palarie
    “death to the neighbour’s goat ” = sa moara capra vecinului
    ” make my elbow hur ” = ma doare in cot
    “sleep on one ear ” = se culca pe o ureche
    “to break yourself into figures ” = te spargi in figuri
    “the country burns and the old lady is combing her hair” = tara arde si baba se piaptana

  65. I give myself the road

    Mi-am dat drumul

  66. You burn it dubiously

  67. Go to my shotgun. – Dute-n pusca mea.
    Don’t go with the sack to the praised tree – La pomu laudat sa nu te duci cu sacu.
    Cine a-nfipt zambila-n branza. – The one who implanted the hyacinth in the cheese.
    Bivolita pe franghie. – The buffalo on a rope.
    Cacat si iubire. – Shit and love.
    S-a dus pe apa sambeti. – It’s gone on saturday’s water.
    La mama naibi. – At satan’s mother.
    La dracu-n praznic – In satan’s repast.

  68. Dracu sa te pieptene! – May satan comb your hair!

  69. don’t search the gift hourse’s teath.
    you have a book, you have a part.
    we laugh we joke, we fuck we pay.(radem glumim, futem platim).
    sau we laugh we joke but in the sorounding.(radem glumim da-n incinta)
    stick the money in the boy.(baga banu la baiatu)
    she sits like the turkey in the lumber.
    to spin like a testicul in a bucket.
    may three of my neighbours die! and Gigi to0!
    may i make you a condo in the ground!!!
    a dog garlic.(un catel de usturoi).
    the turkeys are fighting at his mought.
    may i see you stiff.(vedeate-as teapan)

  70. May you be eaten alive by a festering wound.-
    Manca -te-ar buba aia reaua de viu.

    Futu-ti in cur albina de pe mormintul mamei ma-tii Fuck the bee from your mother’s mother’s grave in the ass .

    Usca-mi-as chilotii pe crucea lu’ ma-ta May I dry my underpants on your mother’s tomb stone

    Futu-te-n nas sa te fut cu masina de cusut Singer
    Fuck you in your nose with a Singer sewing machine.

    Te bat de te caci pe tine -I’m going to beat you until you shit your pants

  71. fara legatura cu concursu, azi mi-am prins pula la doua ori. aveam nevoie sa impartasesc asta cuiva pentru ca ma doare-n ea (pula). pentru cei care nu v-ati prins niciodata pula in slit sa nu incercati. doare mult mai tare s-o desprinzi decat s-o prinzi. io chiar ma gandeam sa tai materialu pe langa si sa traiesc restu vietii cu un fermoar prins de pula. de-aici pot rezulta mai multe injuraturi frumoase:

    nip ur dick in the zipper – unui cocalar

    nip my dick in ur zipper – unei pitipoance la limita futabilului

    in legatura cu fermoarele, use with caution near genitals.

  72. – nu te rupe in basini cu mine – don’t break in farts with me
    – rahat pe branza – shit on cheese ( sau poate turkish delight on cheese)

  73. – nu o arde in basini cu mine – don’t burn it in farts with me

  74. futu-ti dumnezeii si pastele si cristosii ma-tii de porc imputit, cu mata care-i curva si cu tactu-n puscarie, si cu tot neamu tau la balamuc, vedeati-as ochii aia beliti in sicriu si pe nevasta-ta facuta posta in cimitir…pthuu, hai sictir umflatu` dracu`!
    fuck your gods and your mother christs and eastern you stinking pig, with your mother who is a hooker and your father who is in jail, and with all your family at sanitarium, see I your fucked eyes in a coffin and your wife made post-office in the cemetery…phhtuu get knotted !

  75. beeeeeeeeeei narcis corvette care esti si scrii fara sa gandesti citeste restu posturilor inainte ca sa nu te repeti

  76. De cand a devenit EXPRESIE echivalentul unei INJURATURI?
    Pentru mine cea mai tare ramane “gura-casca – mouth-helmet”

  77. Te caci imprastiat – poate nu “you shit spread” ci “you spreadsheet”.

    sugativa-n portofel – blotting paper in the wallet.

    E sugatoare mare – She’s a big sucker.

  78. 1. Le penis du cheval au somme de la coline = pula calului in varful dealului;

    2. Les notres comme les conifferes avec les mucosites sur les pectorales = Ai nostri ca brazii cu mucii pe piept.

  79. go walk the bear, don’t rub my fish eggs 😉

  80. adica du-te si plimba ursul, nu ma freca la icre

  81. I don’t give myself in wind after competitions! 🙂

  82. a te baga ca musca in lapte – to insert yourself like the fly in the milk

    a se da de ceasul mortii – to give yourself on the death’s clock

    a se da mare – to give yourself big

    a se juca de-a baba oarba – to play old woman the blind

    greu la deal cu boii mici – hard at hill with little ox

    nu dau doi bani – i dont give two money

    imi bag picioarele – i put my legs in it

    sa ne intoarcem la oile noastre – let’s go back to our sheep

    imi vine sa-mi iau campii – it comes to me to take my fields

    pe picior de plecare – on the leg of departing

  83. las-o-n pastele ma-sii – let it in its mother’s easter

    du-te-n pula mea – give yourself in my dick

    a rade singur ca prostu – I laugh alone like the stupid one

    iti unge sufletul – it lubricates your soul

    buna sa-ti fie inima – good may your heart be

    a te da de gol – give yourself of empty

    a rupe gura targului – to break the mouth of the marketplace

    manca-ti-as gura – i would eat your mouth

    la multi ani ! – at many years!

    e marfa – it’s merchandise

    ai facut o mamaliga ! – you made a mother-league =))) =))) =)))

    i-a trecut vremea – his weather had passed

  84. Te uiti ca omida la sudura – you’re looking like the caterpillar at the welding

    Vine mandra pe conducta – The proud is coming on the pipeline (o fi mai exact she-proud? :)))) )

    Liviu, eu as zice “ai facut-o de mamaliga” care ar fi tradus “you made it of mother-league”

  85. da, uitasem forma corecta a expresiei =))

    “a te lua gura pe dinainte” -to be taken by the mouth ahead

  86. You don’t have with whom…….some peasants……

  87. “sa-ti trag la muie ” – i’ld shoot at blowjob

  88. I gonna fuck your mothers family
    I gonna fuck your mothers goat
    I gonna make a pool from your mothers ass
    I gonna fuck on your mothers luck
    I gonna fuck your mothers grave
    I gonna fuck your mothers damaged
    I gonna fuck your mothers rase
    I gonna fuck your ear
    I gonna fuck your old whole
    I gonna make summer house with your mothers cross
    I gonna give you my dick in your brown eye
    I insert my dick in your mothers life
    Your mother is sucking my dick till she gets sour cream on her mouth
    I insert my dick in your father through your mother
    I insert my dick with sugar in your mothers ass til she gets diabetes
    I insert coins to fuck your mothers ass
    Suck my dick with your nose
    Grab my balls

    You’re gone with the hairstyle

  89. rectific (greseala gramaticala de scriere:P)

    I gonna fuck your mother’s family
    I gonna fuck your mother’s goat
    I gonna make a pool from your mothers ass
    I gonna fuck on your mother’s luck
    I gonna fuck your mother’s grave
    I gonna fuck your mother’s damaged
    I gonna fuck your mother’s rase
    I gonna fuck your ear
    I gonna fuck your old whole
    I gonna make summer house with your mother’s cross
    I gonna give you my dick in your brown eye
    I insert my dick in your mother’s life
    Your mother is sucking my dick till she gets sour cream on her mouth
    I insert my dick in your father through your mother
    I insert my dick with sugar in your mother’s ass til she gets diabetes
    I insert coins to fuck your mother’s ass
    Suck my dick with your nose
    Grab my balls

    You’re gone with the hairstyle

  90. Fart from here.
    Fuck you in the mouth to fuck you.
    Go inside cum.

  91. Mad_BoY_CiPR1AN

    If you wanna have a brother..
    Jump in bed and fuck your brother

  92. It’s concrete (“e beton”)!

  93. where you hit and where it cracks
    you forget from hand to mouth
    the country is burning and the old hag combs her hair
    you went an ox and you returned a cow
    the neighbour’s goat must die too
    i’ll burn you that you don’t see yourself
    go spinning yourself
    he woke up with the night in his head
    sticky (batzos)
    poor stuck to the ground
    he woke up with the chicken (si invers – se culca cu pestii:) )
    walking around with the painted crow
    he woke up (with his) ass up
    what the devil’s mother
    till you get to god the saints eat you
    to give yourself in the patch
    to make a stallion from a mosquito
    you’re not in all your minds
    lie that waters freeze
    leave it softer
    blackberry in the mouth
    to spin like the king in pig weed (voda in loboda)
    doing of good is fucking of mother
    it’s on good (e pe bune)
    drunk snivel (beat muci)
    the puddle has fish
    to swell in feathers/to blow out in feathers
    to look like the turkey hen in the logs
    hits in the eye (bate la ochi)
    drunk flat cake (beat turta)
    i made myself dust

    astea imi plac:
    in the dick with the satellite
    you made yourself of shit
    go spinning yourself
    to be church door
    painted fence outside, leopard inside
    be with your eyes in four
    shut up and swallow
    leave it down because it quacks
    to have needle of somebody’s sheepskin waistcoat
    to talk in two hairs
    to give yourself empty

    foarte misto ideea. scuze daca se repeta unele d emai sus, poate nu le-am retinut pe toate.


  94. Vorbe de duh:

    If iu uană heav ă broadăr.. gou houm end fac iour modăr !

    If iu uană bi mor secsi.. fac iourself end drinc mor pepsi :))

  95. you parachute-parasuto
    you’r in vain-esti degeaba
    i’ll rezolve you-te rezolv eu
    to make yourself of shit-a te face de cacat
    your mother’s christ’s-cristosii matii
    shit with eyes-cacat cu ochi
    kiss your wallet-te pup pe portofel
    absolve myself-scuteste-ma

  96. Am facut-o de oaie = I made it of sheep

  97. unde-mi e malaiu? – where is my maize?

  98. diareamash in gura ta – I shoot an enema in your mouth
    sa trag pula in prima albina care se pune pe florile de pe mormintele mortilor matii – i pull my dcick in the first bee that lays on you mothers dead relatives tomb flowers..
    sa-ti trag pula in gat prin gura – i’ll pull my cock in your throat through your mouth..
    fututi biserica shi pastele shi adormirea mortilor matii si sa ma slobozesc pe poza pietrei de mormant a matii – i’ll fuck your mothers church and easter and the passing out of your mothers dead relatives and ill cum on the picture of your mothers tomb stone..

  99. (Una Maramuresana)
    The see of your mother’s mother – Marea mami manieta.

  100. To beat the saddle so the horse understands. – A bate şaua să priceapă calul.

  101. Mayn’t the earth bide you! – Să nu te rabde pământul!

  102. take my face in your dick

  103. vesnicul…pula mea – my dick :))

  104. off: apropo terry vezi k ai scris ceva nashpa… :)) doar daca nu esti p invers :)))

  105. What you spin like a testie in a bucket ? -ce te-nvarti ca un coi intr-o galeata

  106. a ciufuli pitigoiul – to rumple the titmouse

  107. iti fac eu cinste- I will make you honesty

  108. beat the iron ’till it’s warm- bate fierul cat e cald
    u went through the school like a goose through the river- ai trecut prin scoala ca gasca prin apa
    you’re handsome like taken out of an arse- esti frumos ca din cur scos
    you consumed- prapaditule
    gone with sorkova- plecat cu sorcova
    I’d ach-piss your arse- sa te pis in cur cu bolta
    mother’s stiching and i’m pulling, what a nice embroidered blouse I’m getting myself- mama-npunge si io trag, ce frumoasa ie-mi fac
    he’s gone on desert, that way- s-a dus pe pustiu, incolo

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